Public outreach

YouTube channel

From February 21, 2023, observations with the ROTUZ telescope will be broadcast as part of the "Before Dawn" program. The broadcasts are hosted by dr Michał Żejmo. And astronomical commentary is most often added by dr hab. Wojciech Lewandowski, prof. UZ. The following broadcasts have been made so far:

  • "Before Dawn" - introductory episode (guest star: dr Waldemar Grabowski)
  • "On star formation processes"
  • "A few words about galaxies"
  • "Large Magellanic Cloud"
  • "Orion - King of the winter sky"


We encourage you to watch the archived recordings. And to like our Facebook profile:

Kids astronomical Clubs

The astronomy clubs for primary school children have been running since October 2017. Most of the time, the meetings took place at the Venus Planetarium. Below we present the most interesting activities. The meetings were conducted by Dr. Karolina Rożko.

  • Building Mars rovers out of pasta.
  • Building lunar habitats from newspapers.
  • Construction of robotic arms.


Young Explorer’s Clubs

From October 2023, activities for children are carried out as Young Explorers' Clubs (i.e. a program coordinated by the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw). Currently, there are two registered clubs: "Team KOSMOS" (children from grades I-III) and "Galaxy Explorers" (children from grades III-V). During clubs meetings, childrens have the opportunity to perform simple experiments and learn by runing simple projects. Below we present some photos from KMO meetings. The club's supervisor is Dr. Karolina Rożko.

  • KMO1 – A spatial map of the constellations of the „Team KOSMOS”
  • KMO2 – Home-made spectroscopes of the “Galaxy Explorers”
  • KMO3 – Simple experiments with the “Team KOSMOS”


Popular science lectures
Interesting presentations given by professional astronomers

The Institute of Astronomy offers popular lectures on Astronomy for various age groups: kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and other organized groups. During popular lectures, it is possible to observe the Sun. We also present a working model of a radio-controlled "space rover".

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18