About the Institute

Scientific research in the field of astronomy has been conducted in Zielona Góra since 1990. From the very beginning, it has been characterized by a very high level, thanks to which the work of Zielona Góra astronomers is appreciated by the international astronomical community. Currently, the scientific achievements of the Institute's employees include over 300 peer-reviewed publications.

The Institute's researchers delve into various aspects of astronomy, focusing on the physics of pulsar and magnetar radiation, the structure of the interstellar medium, and its impact on the scattering of radio signals. Investigations extend to rapidly changing astrophysical sources and astrophysical sources of gravitational radiation. Additionally, the Institute is actively involved in research within the field of celestial mechanics.



dr hab. Wojciech Lewandowski
Room: 016, A-2
Phone: (+48) 789 441 999, (+48) 789 441 799
E-mail: W.Lewandowski@ia.uz.zgora.pl


Deputy Director

dr Magdalena Szkudlarek
Pokój: 014, A-2
Telefon: (+48) 789 442 246
E-mail: mszkudlarek@uz.zgora.pl, msz@astro.ia.uz.zgora.pl

dr Michał Żejmo

Head of the Astrophysic Department

dr Michał Żejmo
Room: 012, A-2
Phone: (+48) 691 053 011
E-mail: m.zejmo@ia.uz.zgora.pl 

dr Karolina Rożko

Head of the Radio Astronomy Departmen

dr Karolina Rożko
Room: 015, A-2
Phone: (+48) 789 442 247
E-mail: k.rozko@ia.uz.zgora.pl



mgr Emilia Gil
Room: 28, A-2
Phone: (+48) 789 442 232
E-mail: e.gil@ia.uz.zgora.pl


Network Administrator, Scientific and Technical Specialist

dr Marek Sendyk
Room: 013, A-2
Phone: (+48) 789 441 990
E-mail: m.sendyk@ia.uz.zgora.pl

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18