Pulsars, neutron stars
Study of individual pulses and components in individual and average pulses
Study of populations
Simulations of pulsar radiation
I am currently conducting a multi-topic project of analysis of polarized average profiles and individual pulses of pulsars. The analysis includes classification of average profiles taking into account their variability together with the observed frequency (RFM), course of polarization angle (PPA). In the process of analysis of all average profiles available in the literature (about 7000), it was possible to classify and reclassify many profiles (taking into account the number of components, PPA, RFM, geometry), a new type of profiles was established - with very strong linear polarization and a proposed distinction (due to the number of sparks and polarimetric properties) between individual profiles with high and low value of loss of rotational kinetic energy (dE/dt). At this stage, it was also possible to show preliminary results of the analysis of the shape of the average pulsar beam.
Observation methods and data analysis in astrophysics
Laboratory of basic optical astronomy
In the astronomy major, I teach classes: Observation methods and data analysis in astrophysics. In these classes, we focus mainly on radio observation techniques and especially on the analysis of pulsar data. In particular, we deal with the analysis of average profiles and individual pulses, and then with polarimetric data (linear (L) and circular (V) polarization and the course of the polarization angle (PPA)). I also teach the Laboratory of basic optical astronomy. The main task is to teach how to plan, take and reduce images. In the practical part, we conduct remote observations with the ROTUZ telescope located in Chile.